Bolder Sounds Wind Chimes KONTAKT SCD 音色素材 英文正式版
A beautifully sampled set of ethereal copper Wind Chimes. All 6 chimes
are sampled in 3 articulations - with a rubber mallet, a wood "beater"
and wood stick hits. Also included are Wind Chime atmospheric samples,
some of which were processed with Granular Synthesis for an other-worldly
quality. Programming includes velocity cross faded articulations, layered
pads and flexible key mapping.
WC Gran Atmos MW=Mixer.nki
WC Gran Atmos Vel Xfade.nki
WC Granular Atmosphere 3.nki
WC Granular Atmosphere 4.nki
WC Granular Atmosphere.nki
WC Horiz Map Untuned.nki
WC Horiz Oct #2 MW=Atk Sp.nki
WC Horiz Oct MW=Atack Spd.nki
WC Horiz Oct Vl Xfd MW=Atk Sp.nki
WC Loops C3 - C5.nki
WC Loops Fwrd_Rev C3 - C5.nki
WC Rb-Wd-St Vel Xfade.nki
WC Rb-Wd-St VL Xfd MW=Atk.nki
WC Rubber to Wood Vel Xfade.nki
WC St-Rb-Wd Vel Xfade.nki
Wind Ch Atmos 1 Key Xfade.nki
Wind Ch Atmosphere 2.nki
Wind Ch Atmosphere Layer.nki
Wind Chime Atmosphere 1.nki
Wind Chime Pad 1 Lfo Crown Filter.nki
Wind Chime Pad 1 Lfo Square.nki
Wind Chime Pad 1 MW=HiPass.nki
Wind Chime Pad 1 MW=LoPass.nki
Wind Chime Pad 1.nki
Wind Chime Pad 2.nki
Wind Chime Pad 3.nki
Wind Chimes Horiz Map reverse.nki
Wind Chimes Horiz Map.nki
Wind Chimes Horiz Octaves.nki